Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Ginger Factory

Hey guys:)
On the weekend my Nan came up from Toowoomba and my mum and I thought it would be a good idea to go to the Ginger Factory, my Nan was really excited, but before we got there, we took a wrong turn. Luckily enough we were right near my brothers work, so we dropped in to say hi.

Eventually we got there and while we were there we went to Panny's Chocolate Factory, we bought a chocolate each to take home:) Delicious:)

We also went on the train that takes you past where they keep the bees to make honey and the old harvesting equipment, then it turned around and went back.

(Some Of The Old Equipment)
We ate ice-creams and for lunch, I had a bowl of chips and gravy with a Ginger Beer, my mum and nan both had a chicken and avocado panini with a Ginger Beer. I especially liked the gravy, it tasted soo nice:)

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