Monday, May 28, 2012

New Car!! :)

Hey guys:) Today I will be talking about what happened on Monday last week.

Well on Monday my brother came home from work all excited, saying that its all sorted!!

My mum and I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, so he showed us a small booklet that had a picture of the car and all its details, where it was, how much it would cost and the engine power, (We really needed to know the engine power because my brother is still on his P plates) Oh wait I almost forgot! The car that he bought was a Nissan 350z. :D

 Anyway on Tuesday he flew down to Melbourne with his Dad, and they drove it back in just under 24hrs, which was pretty quick! I'll put a picture of his actual car up this afternoon, when he gets back from work, but just for now, here's what it looks like:)

My brothers new car, A Nissan 350z.

  Here is a link to the website that I got this image from:

I hope you enjoyed:)

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